
Our warehouse is located in London.

If the book is in stock, it takes 1-2 working days to dispatch your order. If the books are on pre-order, they will be dispatched as soon as thet arrive at our warehouse.

If your order contains books both in stock and pre-order, you can choose option "Divided shipping option" and we will dispatch your order separately (books from in stock within 1-2 working days, and books from pre-order as soon as they are available). Otherwise, all books will be dispatched as soon as all pre-ordered books are in stock. 

Keep in mind that pre-orders usually take 2-5 weeks to arrive depending on a variety of factors.

UK delivery:

  • Free delivery: on all orders of £50 or more, usually takes 2-4 working days;
  • Standard Delivery: £4.99, takes 2-4 working days;
  • Rush Delivery: £8.99, Fast delivery in 1-2 working days
  • Divided shipping option: £8.99. If you have both stock and pre-order books in your order and you want the stock books to be shipped separately from the pre-order books, this option is the best choice for you.
  • Donate books to the library: When you place an order with this type of delivery, you pay for the books and we donate them to the library of our choice in the UK under our charity programm.

International shipping:

  • Free shipping: on all orders of £150 or more, usually takes 9-15 working days (does not apply to all countries);
  • Divided shipping option: from £49.98 (depending on the destination country). If you have both stock and pre-order books in your order and you want the stock books to be shipped separately from the pre-order books, this option is the best choice for you.
  • Economy International: from £19.99 (depending on country of destination), usually takes 10 to 15 working days (can be longer);
  • Express International: from £24.99 (depending on country of destination), usually takes between 2 and 8 working days;

You will see more details on your delivery options at the checkout page.